Turning Goals Into Reality

January is such a refreshing time of year, allowing us time to reflect on the past year and a moment to focus on our goals. It also gives us time to think about what we want more or less of in the coming year.

Every new year I set goals in three areas of my life:

#1 Create a Vision Board for the Year

If you haven’t read the book (or watched the movie) “The Secret,” I highly recommend it! It speaks on the power of the law of attraction, which states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, governs your thinking and actions, and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine.

My family has been doing this for years (including my kids!). We all have a smaller-sized corkboard that hangs in our room. Each January, we get out our old magazines and focus on our goals for the coming year. We cut out pictures and words representing specific goals we have for ourselves, and turn that into a collage on our board. I hang mine by my bed and glance at it as I get in bed every night. This works similarly to “affirmations,” when we focus on what we want. It brings incredible things into our lives. We must redo our vision boards yearly because most of our goals come to life! 

#2 Do a Diet “Reset”

With the stress and food we consume over the holidays, my body is always begging for a reset. You can do this in many ways, whatever works best for you. I chose to do the ChiroThin program this year because it is 40 days of clean eating, and I can lose some weight I have put on over the holidays. You can also do a Whole30 program. Whole30 is a popular 30-day program that removes added sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, grains, most legumes, dairy, and food additives. The program acts as a “reset” for your body by eliminating foods that may negatively affect your health.

A liver detox is also beneficial to cleansing. Our liver removes toxins we put into our systems, converts nutrients for the body to use, and supplies cells as needed. We have a ten-day detox at the clinic that includes a detox shake and information on what foods to eat. Let us know if you are interested in ordering a liver detox kit at the clinic!

#3 Declutter My Home

This goal is always a hard one to find time to work on completing. However, my kids have gotten involved this year and have enjoyed it! We start by going through all the kids’ toys and clothes and donating what we no longer use. Then, slowly through the month (and the winter months ahead), I go space by space until I have combed through every closet and drawer and made a conscious decision that we get good use out of the item and need it in the future. The joy this gives me is fantastic. Purging can feel so good once you get a good start. I follow an account called The Home Edit. They have a show on Netflix called “Get Organized with the Home Edit, ” which can give you great inspiration! 

Happy New Year from everyone at Live Well. We wish you a year filled with good health!

Picture of Andria Trizulny

Andria Trizulny

Dr. Andria has a passion for helping families live healthy lives through chiropractic and acupuncture. Her concentration is on pediatric patients, along with prenatal and postnatal care, and men and women’s health issues. She also enjoys treating sports injuries and seniors.
Picture of Andria Trizulny

Andria Trizulny

Dr. Andria has a passion for helping families live healthy lives through chiropractic and acupuncture. Her concentration is on pediatric patients, along with prenatal and postnatal care, and men and women’s health issues. She also enjoys treating sports injuries and seniors.

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